Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Landscape Architecture

I was just on a conference call with some of the most amazing people on the planet. Each one of these folks are completely committed to providing access for others to have the most powerful intimate relationships on the planet. If you are wanting to express yourself in that realm you may want to investigate
Relationship Coaching Institute
on line and see where you can plug into this amazingly fulfilling career/life path.
We were just talking about the possibility of being in a committed marriage relationship in a way that would provide both individuals full self expression and also preserve and enhance the space and opportunity for the deepest experience of intimacy and expressions of love.
I mentioned, to them on the call, that I took my interpretation from a conversation I heard a man who shared his personal philosophy years ago in a seminar I was in. I heard what he said and it resonated deeply. I took it and made it my own through my vision of what he said. He said that he had found the ingredient to a super marriage and that what it was was that "he saw it as his personal responsibility to create a playing field on which his wife could live out her dreams and be fully self expressed".
I decided to take that on and to call myself a
"Relational Landscape Architect".
What that means to me is essentially the same thing as what I think I heard him say.
"In my marriage commitment and being my truest and biggest self, see it as my greatest honor, gift, purpose and loving responsibility to create the landscape that my beautiful wife can fulfill and express herself through her personal desires, dreams and passions without constraint".
Please know that this took some doing and active self awareness and ardent training and application practice.
Before this noticing, I was really only out to get my needs met and for someone to do whatever was required to give me the space to be all I could be and.... to be OK with that and to not expect to much from me blah, blah, blah... under the guise of being a loving caring partner.
Seeing as that did not keep me in two possibly successful marriages ,I thought that maybe this time, married to a truly amazing woman, that I had better put my all in to living my new philosophy to the fullest.
The results were and are really amazing!
Certainly, at times and often at first, I still fell back to my old patterns of feeling as though I was not getting my share sometimes and holding against her for not providing the same for me and it was frustrating, buuuutttttttt... with continued patience with myself, continued awareness of how I was being, practice, vision and commitment to have the greatest marriage on the planet I stayed with it and am living, ecstatic proof that, for me, this is the only way to live. It has proven unfailingly successful in every relationship of all kinds throughout and within my life.
!!!I Think It Can Work For You, Too!!!
Naturally, you might think that this is to giving and that there is no way to get what you need or want or to meet your requirements for your marriage.
Quite frankly the opposite is true!
You will get more than you ever imagined possible as a result of the world
you create for your love to exist within.
Don't take my word for it, try it and let me know how it works!
If you need help or support let me know!

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