Have you ever noticed that the way you approach the day or any event for that matter sets the tone for how you feel for the entire day/event?
If you can see this, than it makes real good sense to start your day or your approach, intentionally.
Take a few minutes or even one minute if you have not three to speak the positive aspects of this moment. What do you see, what can you say and how can you think about your moment right now that uplifts you.
Can you see how great it is to be up and moving, something great about the weather, your surroundings, where you live, the color of the sky, a person smiling in your presence, any and every thing you can think of in that minute that shows up as a positive aspect.
If your feeling great before you begin this will move you to even greater feelings.
"The better it gets the better it gets!"
It is surprising how when you are making these awareness's and shifts
that the better it gets the better it gets. It snowballs down stream.
"Whatever your state of being - whatever the way you feel -
you are attracting more of the essence of that."
Money and the Law of Attraction
Esther and Jerry Hicks
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