Monday, May 31, 2010

Love/Being Heard

Being heard is so close to being loved
that for the average person,
they are almost indistinguishable.
David Augsburger

Monday, May 24, 2010


The major reason for setting a goal
is for what it makes of you to accomplish it.
What it makes of you will always be
the far greater value than what you get.
Jim Rohn

Saturday, May 22, 2010


"Sometimes you've got to let everything go—purge yourself . . .
If you are unhappy with anything . . .
whatever is bringing you down, get rid of it.
Because you'll find that when you're free,
your true creativity,
your true self comes out. "
Tina Turner (1939-) I, Tina (1986)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Look for something,
find something else,
and realize that what you've found
is more suited to your needs
than what you thought you were looking for.
Lawrence Block

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Open Yourself to What Wants to Open You

The unseen seed of every success -- of every great work of art, and every light that has ever helped illuminate the human journey -- began with someone being open to a new possibility in life and saying "Yes" to it... regardless of personal cost.

Find the Love That's Looking for You

Love is a latent interior "hunger" we all feel through our longing to know -- deeply -- someone or something to which we are drawn. And Love understands that whatever we will agree to draw near to ensures -- given time -- we will come to know it; and then, transformed by Her magic through a marriage of a sort, we become as one with what was once unknown to us.

Don't think this too strange an idea. The hidden Principle of Love is that only through Her do we find in the object of our affection something of ourselves: that proverbial missing piece of the perennially empty heart.

The beauty of Love is that She is already within everything; which means that there is nothing that we are drawn to know by Love's invitation that won't grant us for our journey itself the gift of a greater relationship with Love. Now here is what these last few ideas have been leading up to:

If we want to receive love we have to give it. What this means is that we must journey to Her before She will consent to be known. This is the courtship Love requires of those who long to possess Her. Of course it's mysterious, but who doesn't love a mystery!

Now, in far more practical terms, here are some ideas how to begin this journey of the Heart:

First, give your love to something. Do something with your love. Find something you love and then set out to make it your own. Never mind if you don't have any one love for any one thing in this life. Forget the whole idea of love for the moment and ask yourself: "To what am I drawn? What is it that interests me?"

Whatever impressions you may feel from this sincere inquiry are the invisible magnetic impulses of a secret Heart, a pulse of Love that has been buried in you beneath layers -- perhaps lifetimes -- of misdirection. That is why you must take the next few instructions to heart.

Never mind if you are attracted to something but feel unable to start because you are afraid of failing in your quest. Be assured of this: Whatever it may be that you are drawn to know -- whether it is to learn a new skill, grow a flower garden, develop an artistic skill, to help others, design clothes or cars, or set out towards a deeper interior life whose center is Love Herself -- I tell you the only thing that matters is that you just start!

You can't know this yet, but it is Love that calls you to Her side for whatever is your eventual choosing, and it is Love within you that feels this drawing. So do you know what this means? Just consider: Love will not, cannot fail Herself. It is more likely the sun would fall from the sky than for Love not to begin to shine through your nascent efforts. Your first reward will be to feel the warmth of knowing you are nearing the beginning of a whole New Life.

Forget what others may think of you for your new aim to do your heart's desire. Disregard those whose reality is a rut! Misery wants company. Do Love's bidding instead. Persist with your working wish and Love will grant you the company of Herself. And as you gradually draw nearer to Her side you will know that nothing anyone thinks towards you could possibly add one cubit to your stature.

Brush aside any concerns you have (for whatever the reasons) of being unable to make a "big" beginning. Just start where you are and with what you have -- even if this means taking a step so small that not one person on earth notices you have just left one world and entered another. Any beginning that you will make for the sake of answering the call of your heart is the same as a beginning whose happy ending already resides right within that same initial action.

Don't be the least concerned if you can't seem to find the time -- or the energy -- to get going because of life's seemingly endless "duties" to family or friends. Drop these punishing (and false) ideas. Listen instead to this promise that Love makes to anyone willing to draw near enough to hear Her whisper Her secret:

Do what you must to make time and you will see that the energy you need to succeed will be given to you.

Love lends her force to the entire universe, so don't you think that if you were to ask rightly for a bit of it -- for Her sake -- that She would give you the measure you need? Of course She will! All you need do is just make some time, give some moments to your intended journey. Even if all you can muster to get started with is two minutes a day, just place your attention on what you want to love, and it will love you back by giving you a bit of itself.

Persist with this new Work until you see -- which you will if only you will stay the course -- that the love you thought you had chosen was really Love choosing you. And when at last you realize that it has always been this way, then, for you, it will always be so... until the end of time.

How may you be assured that all of this is True?

It is Love that tells you so.

-- Guy Finley

Monday, May 17, 2010


Walt Whitman:
" Reexamine all that you have been told in school, or in church or in any book.
Dismiss whatever insults your soul."
The first quote from Walt Whitman gives us a mandate to review all that we have been told and thus believe or have taken on to be true. And how he says to do that is to look inside and see if it feels good or not. He then instructs us to "dismiss" whatever insults our soul.
This is some of the most useful advice we can consider. Doing this regularly will in fact have a huge affect on our well being and joyous experience of life.
Your experience is a clear indication of the thoughts that you think.
When you change the thoughts that you are thinking, your experience,
or indicator, must change also,
It is Law!
If you are not feeling good or experiencing life from a great place than take this on;
Look at what your thoughts are right now.
Does what you are thinking right now produce a good feeling or a bad feeling?
If it is good than bask in the good feeling and think another deliberate good feeling thought from that place. Continue focusing on good feeling thoughts or all of the positive aspects of your present situation. Watch what happens from there on. It just gets better in all categories!
If you are feeling bad than ask your self, from where you are presently standing, what is one better feeling thought that I could have right now?
Notice one thing around you that you could appreciate some aspect of?
Choose to have one better feeling thought about any aspect of anything at even the smallest detail level. In example, the color of the wallpaper, the interesting pattern in the carpet, the color of the sky or sun or leaves or flowers around you. Put yourself in the presence of your pet or some aspect of nature and appreciate some aspect of that which you have chosen.
There is nothing more to do. Do this is any moment you choose and find a way to choose a better feeling thought about anything at any time and it will continue to catapult your view of your life and put you in alignment with what you came here to accomplish.
Your own happiness and expansion.

Saturday, May 15, 2010


"When your heart is in your dreams,
no request is too extreme."
Jiminy Cricket

Friday, May 14, 2010

Pushing Hard

I have said many times that I can look back on my life
and see where I spent a lot of time trying to push things into place.
I would manipulate the facts, push through the tough spots, stay later,
work harder, never surrender, argue and fight and take a stand.
In essence, I would ignore all the signs that I can now see
were sent my way to say, "you can choose another path,
one that feels better and comes with ease.
Your life could be sweeter, if you would stop resisting and pushing against us."
I have learned how easy and full and sweet life can be.
It all comes in the forms of Asking, Believing and Allowing.
That's all!
Nothing to it really but, many of us are still convinced
that we have to go through the fire
to get to the purified Gold of this life experience.
It Just Isn't So!
In fact it is exactly the opposite.
Listen to what Abraham has to say about this.
"The harder you push against anything, the more you attract its essence!
When you find some unwanted thing that you want to
shout NO! at, shout briefly,
and then turn your attention to the thing
Any attention to anything
is a practicing of the vibration
that will bring it unto you."


Brenda Ueland
Listening is a magnetic and strange thing, a creative force...
When we are listened to, it creates us, makes us unfold and expand.
Ideas actually begin to grow within us and come to life...
When we listen to people there is an alternating current, and this recharges us so that we never get tired of each other...and it is this little creative fountain inside us that begins to spring and cast up new thoughts and unexpected laughter and wisdom. ...
Well, it is when people really listen to us, with quiet facinated attention, that the little fountain begins to work again, to accelerate in the most surprising way.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Real Life Enlightenment!

Your enlightenment,
in fact, your only true path to bliss
on this plane, relies solely on the acknowledgement that
You stem from Source!
You are one in the same!
This is good news!
The best way to know where you stand
in relationship to your connection
with your source alignment is;
How do you feel?
Your feelings are a gift!
They are your true gauge or indicator.
If you feel bad, your moving away from alignment.
If you feel good, your moving closer
to your alignment with Source.
When you notice where you are
in regard to your feelings,
You can make an adjustment
to feel better, closer to alignment.
The better it gets the better it gets!
Don't get stuck or worry about being stuck
It is always temporary
just make the adjustment now
to a better feeling thought.
Look and List the positive aspects
of what ever you have your focus on
right now.
Your adjustment will begin!
You are on this physical plane by choice
but you remain mostly non physical.
You are here to co create
You have come here to joyously expand
that which was previously known.
What an honor you have chosen!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

"For Better": The science of marital unhappiness

(Click on the WHITE title above
to read an excerpt of this new book,
interesting reading)

Our divorce rate is a myth?
Snoring causes breakups?
A new book applies rigorous research to the modern marriage
As it turns out, much of what you think about the state of the American marriage is wrong: Half of marriages don’t end in divorce; married people don’t have less sex than their single counterparts and -- surprise! -- fighting can actually be beneficial to your relationship. That is what Tara Parker-Pope, a health journalist and the woman behind the New York Times' Well blog, discovered while researching her new book, "For Better: The Science of a Good Marriage." In the book, Parker-Pope argues that the marital bond isn't nearly as mysterious as you might believe, and unlike the vast majority of authors on the subject, she uses credible scientific research to back up her claims about everything from sex to housework.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Learn to Release all Resentments

Learn to Release all Resentments

If you're tired of being a slave to a painful relationship out of your past, this study in how to release resentments is sure to bring welcome relief.

Unconscious conflicts, in dialogue form, play themselves out in our mind by painfully reenacting various scenes from our past; moments gone by in which we either know, or sense, we were compromised by our own weakness.

If these inner dialogues were left to themselves as they popped into our mind, they'd be as powerless to disturb us as an echo is to change its own sound. Where we get into trouble, when resentment rules, is when we're unknowingly drawn into these scenes out of our past and find ourselves interacting with a cast of ghost players! The ensuing mental dialogue is always a desperate but futile attempt to change what has already been said and done so that maybe this time around we can come out a winner.

Are you tired of going twelve rounds in routine fight scenes that always turn out the same?

Try this step for the winning solution.

If you sat down on a metal bench and suddenly realized the midday sun had heated it way beyond the comfort zone, you'd stand up as quickly as you could. The same intelligence behind this instinctive physical reaction can help you release all resentments and drop their dark inner dialogues.

Each time you catch yourself in a dark inner dialogue, of any kind, use your awareness of the conflict it's creating within you as a springboard to help you leap out of those scary scenes from your past into the safety of the present moment. Then, instead of giving yourself back over to those inner voices of conflict that are still trying to converse with you, remain aware of yourself in the present moment, and of their continuing beckoning presence.

No matter how many times you hear in your mind those fighting words that have always prompted you to jump into that dark dialogue, refuse to join in. Ground yourself in your awareness of the present moment.

The unconscious resentment responsible for creating heated scenes from the past cannot follow you into the now, which means no dark inner dialogue can tag along either. Why? Because when you're no longer a captive of your own past, then you can recognize its ghost voices as the source of psychic intrusion they really are.

Learn to ask for a happy, new life by refusing to relive what's been tearing at you.

-- Guy Finley

Discover Your Right to Rule Every Moment of Life!

What "was" is only as powerful as we make it... what is.

The Art Of Happiness

The art of living
does not consist in preserving and clinging to
a particular mood of happiness,
but in allowing happiness to change its form
without being disappointed by the change;
for happiness, like a child,
must be allowed to grow up.
Charles Langbridge Morgan

Monday, May 10, 2010

The Better it Gets!!!

Have you ever noticed that the way you approach the day or any event for that matter sets the tone for how you feel for the entire day/event?
If you can see this, than it makes real good sense to start your day or your approach, intentionally.
Take a few minutes or even one minute if you have not three to speak the positive aspects of this moment. What do you see, what can you say and how can you think about your moment right now that uplifts you.
Can you see how great it is to be up and moving, something great about the weather, your surroundings, where you live, the color of the sky, a person smiling in your presence, any and every thing you can think of in that minute that shows up as a positive aspect.
If your feeling great before you begin this will move you to even greater feelings.
"The better it gets the better it gets!"
It is surprising how when you are making these awareness's and shifts
that the better it gets the better it gets. It snowballs down stream.
"Whatever your state of being - whatever the way you feel -
you are attracting more of the essence of that."
Money and the Law of Attraction
Esther and Jerry Hicks


If, in the last few years,
you haven't discarded a major opinion
or acquired a new one,
check your pulse.
You may be dead.
~Gelett Burgess~

Friday, May 7, 2010


"Knowledge is learning something every day.
Wisdom is letting go of something every day".
Zen Proverb

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


When I walk into my kitchen today, I am not alone.
Whether we know it or not, none of us is.
We bring fathers and mothers and kitchen tables,
and every meal we have ever eaten.
Food is never just food.
It's also a way of getting at something else:
who we are, who we have been, and who we want to be.

Molly Wizenberg,

A Homemade Life: Stories and Recipes from My Kitchen Table, 2009

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Control of your Existence

Regain Your Right to Be Self-Ruling

Have you ever gotten angry at a knot? Maybe you couldn't get your shoelace undone, or clear that fishing line. A knot in a thin gold or silver neck chain can be especially difficult. When you fight with a knot you feel frustration. Now, if you think about it logically, clearly the knot has no intelligence of its own with which to thwart your intentions or make you feel angry. Yet when you fight with it, you fall under its power. You feel yourself to be at the mercy of the knot.

Since the knot itself has no power to act upon you, where is the power coming from that puts you under the influence of the knot? From one place only: your perception. Your perception of the knot is the only power it has, and that power is not in it; it is in you! You cannot be free of the frustration or anger you feel in not being able to untangle the knot until you learn to separate the fact of the thing from the power of it. It is a fact that the rope has a knot, but it is not a fact that the knot has power. It is your perception that attributes power to it.

We frequently feel ourselves to be under the power of things. We feel we are the victims of an unfair social system, economic upheavals, painful relationships -- even a lawn chair that won't unfold right. We fight these conditions, feeling ourselves to be under their "dark" influence. The fact is, however, these events do not exist as negative events except for our perception of them. The only power they have is the power we give them. What is the proof? Someone else observing the same event may not see it as negative at all. If we separate the facts from what we perceive as a thing's power, we are on the way to freeing ourselves from all things that bother us. Your wish to understand your pain by shining the light of Truth on it will show you where to break the thought connection through which you give your life energy to events that would otherwise have no power over you. If you truly wish to be free, you can even shine that light back into what feels like your own hard or cold past, and the warm light of Truth will melt all those long past difficulties dwelling there until eventually nothing about your life will have the power to bother you again.

-- Guy Finley

Your Feelings!

Nobody But You Can Make You Feel Badly
The unseen contradiction in hating any given moment of life
is that what we actually hate in such a moment
is the way that we have consented to feel about it.
Guy Finley