You may be just beginning,
already into your day or
about to go off to sleepville for a pleasant rest of your working mind.
Where ever you are at the moment,
Take a minute or preferably 5 minutes
and do the most important thing you can do for yourself,
Slow your mind and come to a quieter place in your thoughts!
It may take a few minutes or tries even to get accustomed
to putting on the brakes to all of the thought activity.
It is worth it, please believe me on this one point if nothing else, ever.
This is where it all happens!
In this very moment or nano second
as you begin to decrease the speed
of the millions of thoughts that you process
there is a glimpse of something else there
besides your thoughts.
There is peace as the backdrop to all your thoughts!
There is true guidance,
well being, love and appreciation
for yourself and it all comes back to you there.
The real reason you are here,
"to be Joyful, Happy and continue the expansion of creation
through your discovery and expression of that Joy"
in each and every blip of our time,
makes all the difference to YOU and you and to ALL.
Start right now!
Begin by shifting gears.
Make a written or mental list
of all that you appreciate
in your immediate surroundings.
Start with where you are sitting or lying
and branch out from there.
List all of the people, things, places, colors, temps. conditions
list everything you can think of that you appreciate.
When you are complete for the time
relax into that appreciation and stay present
in it as you go softly and deeply into your SELF
The real Knowing that you are here to do just this.
Appreciate all around you and extract all of the joy and
love and appreciation and gold out of each moment you experience.
Mine your thoughts for the luscious gold they bring to you
Your happiness in the moment is your guide!
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